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Image to Base64

convert image to base64

image to base64 converter tool

What is a base64 encoding?

Base64 encoding is a group of characters that are used to represent binary data. It's used to convert binary data into a format that can be sent over text-based mediums such as email and web pages.

Bases are used so that text can be encoded in more than one way, which means it's not just one character per byte anymore—it's six! The most common bases are Base64 (used by Microsoft Office) and Base32 (used by Mozilla Firefox).

How does base64 encoding work?

Base64 encoding is a way to represent binary data in ASCII format. It's also known as MIME encoding, URL-encoding and quoted-printable.

Base64 is used by email clients such as Outlook and Thunderbird to encode attachments or files so they can be sent over the Internet without being decoded by the receiving party.

image to base64 online tool converts any image file into base64 string that can be included in an HTML page or message body part (e.g., Twitter).

How to convert image to base64 online?

You can use the base64 converter tool to convert an image to base64. To convert an image to base64, type in the URL of your image and click on the Convert button. The generated string will appear below your input field. Copy this string and paste it into your HTML code where you want it displayed or saved as a file name (e.g., screenshot).

Usage of Base64 

Usage of Base64 string instead of image URL reduces the amount of server calls needed for the browser to display an image on the screen and improves performance. All images are now embedded into the HTML code itself and no longer need to load them separately as external resources. This helps with things like load times and also prevents users from seeing broken links or missing images if they are trying to view your content while they are offline.

Base64 encoding is a way to compress images. It's also a way to embed images into HTML code, which reduces the number of server calls needed for the browser to display an image on the screen and improves performance. All images are now embedded into the HTML code itself and no longer need to load separately as external resources. This helps with things like load times and also prevents users from seeing broken links or missing images if they are trying to view your content while they are offline.[1]


Base64 is a simple encoding format that can be used to turn images into strings that are easier for computers to read. These strings are often used in URLs and other places where text needs to be displayed on the web.


 image to base64, convert image to base64, image to base64 online, convert image to base64 online, image to base64 converter online

Nabeel Nobi

CEO / Co-Founder

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